Hey there!

I am pleased to announce that in 2025 I will be joining the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology as a tenure-track Assistant Professor.

I will build my research group and I will have several postdoctoral positions open.
In case you are interested and wish to apply, feel free to drop me an email.

In case you wish to pursue a Ph.D. or an internship under my supervision, please notice that admission at OIST is centralised and I cannot hire directly.
However, you are free to apply and mention my name in the application.
Apply to the PhD program
Apply to the Internship Program

Until September 2024 I will be a Postdoctoral Resarcher at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria hosted by Marco Mondelli.

I received my Doctoral Degree in 2022 from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL where I had the pleasure of being advised by Prof. Michael Gastpar. I received my MSc degree in 2017 from the Department of Computer Science of Università degli Studi di Salerno which has been selected, for the second time in a row, as a ‘department of excellence’ by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research.

I believe in Slow Science and in Scientific Divulgation.

I am interested in every aspect of science but mostly in Mathematics, Information Theory, Theoretical Computer Science, Neuroscience, Psychology and Biology.

Here you can find the latest version of my CV.